embrue|embrued|embrues|embruing in English


imbrue, stain, wet, saturate

Use "embrue|embrued|embrues|embruing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "embrue|embrued|embrues|embruing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "embrue|embrued|embrues|embruing", or refer to the context using the word "embrue|embrued|embrues|embruing" in the English Dictionary.

1. F - Befrets h - sherbet l - belters trebles t - betters v - brevets w - bestrew webster (beersu) -----c - becurse d - burseed g - burgees k - rebukes m - embrues s - rebuses subsere (beersv) breves-----a - beavers o - observe obverse verbose r - reverbs t - brevets (beersw) webers-----a - bewares h - beshrew r - brewers t - bestrew webster